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Marseille: Pesawat Airbus penerbangan tambang murah Lufthansa, Germanwings terhempas di kawasan pergunungan Alps di selatan Perancis, hari ini, ketika dalam perjalanan dari Barcelona, Sepanyol ke Duesseldorf, Jerman.
Difahamkan, penerbangan itu membawa 142 penumpang serta dua juruterbang dan empat kru.
Presiden Perancis, Francois Hollande berkata, kesemua penumpang dan anak kapal dipercayai terkorban dalam nahas itu.
"Pesawat itu terhempas di awasan tepencil dan sukar dilalui," katanya.
Sementara itu, jurucakap perbadanan penerbangan Perancis, DGAC berkata, pesawat A320 itu terhempas berhampiran bandar Barcelonnette yang terletak kira-kira 100 kilometer utara Nice, Perancis
Pasukan mencari dan menyelamat dalam perjalan ke lokasi nahas, katanya
Sementara itu Jurucakap pengendali lapangan terbang Sepanyol, Aena berkata pesawat itu berlepas dari Barcelona pada 8.55 pagi GMT (4.55 petang Malaysia) - Agensi

PESAWAT Airbus A320 Germanwings di lapangan terbang Berlin pada 2014. FOTO fail Reuters
Detik-detik pesawat sebelum terhempas, baca dibawah: laporan mirror news:
Around 150 people are feared dead after a plane crashed in the French Alps.
Flight 4U9525 disappeared from radar around 45 minutes after leaving Barcelona in Spain for Dusseldorf in Germany at 10am local time.
It is believed to have come down in the Digne area of southern France.
French President Francois Hollande confirmed the crash and said he expects there to be "no survivors".
Reports suggest there were 142 passengers and six crew on board.
'Crash site only accessible via helicopter'
The plane appears to have come down in a very remote area near a ski resport.
Germanwings has scheduled a press conference for 3pm today.
The Spanish President Mariano Rajoy has just tweeted about the "tragedy".
"Dismayed by the air accident in the Alps. A tragedy. We're working with the French and German authorities on the investigation," he wrote.
Plane flew exact same route yesterday
A look through flight logs by AirLive.net shows that flight 4U9525 took the exact same route from Barcelona to Dusseldorf yesterday.
Reports suggest the plane has come down in a "crevice" which is inaccessible from the road.
The Spanish press is reporting that there were 42 Spaniards on board the flight.
'Our thoughts are with those affected' - Airbus
Airbus has just tweeted a statement on today's tragedy.
The firm says it will provide further information as soon as possible and passes on its thoughts to those affected.
Due to the mountainous nature of the crash site, the French Interior Minister has said he expects the recovery operation to be "an extremely long and extremely difficult".
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>We will provide further information as soon as available. Our thoughts are with those affected by this tragic event.</p>— Airbus (@Airbus) <a href="https://twitter.com/Airbus/status/580335590970900480">March 24, 2015</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
'Relatives taken into private area at Dusseldorf Airport'
Relatives waiting for the flight to arrive in Dusseldorf have been taken into a private area, the German press is reporting.
Emergency chaplains have been made available.
It is believed the crash site is at an altitude of 2,000metres.
Below is a tweet reportedly showing the arrivals board at Dusseldorf Airport.
'A dark day for Lufthansa' - Airline's chief executive
Germanwing is owned by Lufthansa and today the company's chief executive expressed his sympathies with the families of those on board.
Carsten Spohr said: "We do not yet know what has happened to flight 4U 9525. My deepest sympathy goes to the families and friends of our passengers and crew on 4U 9525.
"If our fears are confirmed, this is a dark day for Lufthansa. We hope to find survivors."
'Bodies being taken to emergency morgue in village gym'
As mentioned, there is already a huge emergency services operation ongoing at the crash site.
It is understood a village gym is being used as a morgue as bodies are recovered.
The French President has said no survivors are expected.
'Smoke visible at crash site' - Eyewitness
Skiers near the site can see smoke billowing above the scene, witnesses say.
Around 80 firefighters from local departments are currently making their way to the crash.
'My heart goes out to families' - Deputy PM Nick Clegg
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said: "My heart goes out to the family and friends of those people who appear to have lost their lives in this devastating air crash in the Alps.
"It really must be the most traumatic time for all of them and my thoughts are with them right now."
French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve 'en route to scene of crash'
The French Interior Minister is on his way to the scene of the tragedy.
Senior figure Bernard Cazeneuve was heavily-involved in dealing with the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris earlier this year.
'No survivors' - French President Hollande
The French President has just been speaking on television and he confirmed there are "no survivors" following the crash.
Francois Hollande confirmed a Germanwings plane had crashed near to Digne in the French Alps and expressed his "solidarity" with the victims.
It is understood the plane declared an emergency at 10.47am local time, descending from 380 to 5000 feet.
French Prime Minister 'up to 150 people feared dead'
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said he understood between 142 and 150 people were on board and feared dead.
"The cause is at present unknown," he told reporters.
A spokesman for the DGAC aviation authority said the airplane crashed near the town of Barcelonnette about 65miles north of the French Riviera city of Nice.
The crashed A320 is 24 years old and has been with the parent Lufthansa group since 1991, according to online databaseairfleets.net
'Debris found near French village'
Debris of the crashed airplane has already been found, reports suggest.
French police have helicopters in the air, searching the area and officers on the ground.
Last known position of flight 4U9525
Flight 4U9525 left Barcelona at 8.35am local time and was due to land at 10.55am in Dusseldorf.
It's last known position was over southern France, the Alps, near Prads-Haute-Bléone between Digne-les-Bains and Barcelonette.
Here's an image via the flight monitoring website Flight Radar.
Germanwings 'have not confirmed crash'
Germanwings, the airline concerned, has just tweeted to say it has not confirmed the crash, but is aware of media reports.
The airline asks people to go to monitor their website for information.
A Germanwings spokesman said: "We have recently become aware of media reports speculating on an incident though we still do not have any own confirmed information.
"As soon as definite information is available, we shall inform the media immediately."
Plane crashes in the alps with 148 people on board
An Airbus A320 plane has crashed in southern France with 148 people on board, according to reports.
Lufthansa's Germanwings budget airline crashed en route from Barcelona to Duesseldorf, police and aviation officials said.
The local La Provence newspaper said the Airbus A320 was carrying 142 passengers, two pilots and four cabin crew.
Germanwings said they were aware of the media reports but have no further information at this time.
We will bring you all the latest updates as they happen.
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